Division of Operations

201 Dey Road

The Division is headed by the Superintendent of Operations, with offices located within the Public Works Garage at 201 Dey Road.

The Division of Operations is responsible for the following:

Roads and Snow Removal:
Maintenance and repair of Township roads, sidewalks and curbs. This group also is responsible for and snow and ice removal.

Drainage and Waterways:
Maintenance and repair of the Township drainage systems, including inlets, manholes, detention basins, culverts, brooks and streams.

Traffic Signals and Signage:
Maintenance and installation of Township street signs, regulatory traffic signs, line striping, traffic control signals and other related signs or traffic control devices within the Township's jurisdiction.

Equipment Maintenance:
Maintenance of the Township fleet of vehicles, including specialized equipment/machinery, and responsible for the licensing, registration and inspections of all vehicles as required by law.

Recycling and Solid Waste:
Management of the Township residential recycling, solid, vegetative waste collection programs.

Town Hall

475 Valley Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesdays open until 7:00 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Closed on State Holidays

Wayne DPW Complex

201 Dey Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Weekdays 7:00am-3:30pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Closed on State Holidays